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The 40 Movie Challenge

Kyle Eilenfeldt


As of a few weeks ago, it’s 18 months until I turn 40(?!). Given my love for movies, I’ve decided to do a 40 movie challenge, watching 40 films before I turn 40 years old (young?). The films are diverse. They are classics that I never got around to, films I was too young to watch but wanted to at the time of their release, movies I have been scared to watch, or movies that are blind spots in my cinema knowledge. Here are the films:

Pump Up the Volume

Clockwork Orange

Schindler’s List

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Bridge on the River Kwai

The Iron Giant


Ben Hur

Mr. Smith goes to Washington


The Last Emperor

Harlan County U.S.A.

The Last Waltz



The Beales of Grey Gardens

White Men Can’t Jump

The Truman Show

Mean Girls

Lawrence of Arabia

First Blood



