The Essential Last Minute Halloween Films to Watch

Kyle Eilenfeldt
6 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo Courtesy of charamelody on Flickr

Halloween is a few weeks away and it’s a time of big decisions. For some it’s choosing one’s perfect costume and for others it’s what kind of candy to give the trick or treaters to make one the hit of the neighborhood. But for me it’s all about the horror films. I don’t have kids and my friend group rarely throws parties so my halloween is spent at home or at the movie theater.

Horror films and I have a complicated relationship. As a sensitive child, the very thought of them kept me anxious and ill at ease. I remember looking at the original Child’s Play video cover when I was five led to two weeks of sleepless nights and reading the synopsis of Children of the Corn at eight was shocking. Watching them for the first time only recently, I recognize that between my emotional maturity and a more discerning eye for plot and production, they’re not that scary. Child’s Play is almost comical as far as special effects and Children of the Corn was more unnerving in its outlandishness. The conceptualizing and imagery through the lens of my childhood self made it more horrifying than the actual movie. Entering adolescence, I got my nerve up and began to watch a few in middle school and high school. As I liked Hitchcock, leaning toward classic films at that time, I limited myself to Psycho and The Birds.

